Thursday, November 3, 2011

Almost 21 Months!

Everyday I am so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to raise my sweet girl.  I am amazed at what she has learned in less than 2 years and how much she is like me.  She is funny, stubborn, giggly and spunky!  Oh how I love her!!  She is putting 3-5 words together and voices her oppinion on nearly everything!  She is also sweet and cuddly!  She loves to give kisses and hugs (most of the time).  She remains to be a little shy... just like her BM was.  I love that she has a quality I observed about her BM.  I cannot believe Anna will be 2 in just 3 short months!  We recently had fall photos done!  I have attached one of the sneek peeks!  Look how big she is getting!   We are also having our Christmas/ her 21 month photos done this weekend...  I may not share all of those as I paln to use them for our Christmas card. 

On a closing note.. Please feel free to contact me if you are a single in the Atlanta metro area hoping to adopt or who has adopted.  God bless!