Thursday, November 3, 2011

Almost 21 Months!

Everyday I am so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to raise my sweet girl.  I am amazed at what she has learned in less than 2 years and how much she is like me.  She is funny, stubborn, giggly and spunky!  Oh how I love her!!  She is putting 3-5 words together and voices her oppinion on nearly everything!  She is also sweet and cuddly!  She loves to give kisses and hugs (most of the time).  She remains to be a little shy... just like her BM was.  I love that she has a quality I observed about her BM.  I cannot believe Anna will be 2 in just 3 short months!  We recently had fall photos done!  I have attached one of the sneek peeks!  Look how big she is getting!   We are also having our Christmas/ her 21 month photos done this weekend...  I may not share all of those as I paln to use them for our Christmas card. 

On a closing note.. Please feel free to contact me if you are a single in the Atlanta metro area hoping to adopt or who has adopted.  God bless!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

18 Months Old!

I cannot believe Anna is 18 months old!  She weighed in at almost 22 lbs and was nearly 31 inches tall!  (30 & 3/4, 21 lbs, 10 oz).  She is talking up a storm and LOVES to sing.  Sadly, we had to make a daycare change this month.  When we started at the old daycare I knew I wanted her in an inhome till she was 1 so we did not return after last summer (She was only there a month when she was a baby).  Well we went back shortly after Anna turned 1.  I loved her tachers!  WIthout notice the center moved one of her teachers... that began the breakdown in communication.  It seemed like I never knew when her teachers were changing as I got emails after the fact.  And Anna had become very attached to her teachers.  I asked who was going to be in the room the next day as Anna's favorite teachers was leaving to return to college.  THey could not tell me.  And everyday that week someone new was caring for my girl!  Hated this.. on top of all of this she was being bitten more than she had been (biting come with this age, but there was not propper superviaion) And they raised their prices.  Yup- this all added up to a move! 

Our trip to Up-State NY to visit Nana & Papa!

Monday, July 18, 2011


One thing I have learned over the past 18 month is that I have to have balance in every part of my live... ok well that isn't real easy but that is the goal! As a single mom to a toddler I have to find enough time for myself and enough time for Anna. I LOVE spending every day with my girl but I know there are times I need to get out and do something for myself. The unfortunate event of being rearended at the beginning of summer made me put Anna in daycare for most of the summer because I have been in Physical theropy 3 days a week and have had either a scan, Dr's apt, or car repair issues another day during the week. So all in all it has been a good thing. I am thankful Anna loves her daycare and her teachers!

So... the other day I allowed myself to go get a pedicure and a hair cut while she was still in daycare.. not to mention.. I have taken lots of naps this summer!!! :-)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Single Women Adopting Children Group!

When I started this blog my goal was to start a group in the Atlanta metro area for single gals who had adopted or who are in the process of adopting (even if you are just in the "thinking and exploring stage").  I was recently contacted by a single woman hoping to adopt!  So the group begins!  Two of us- and one toddler and a dream and a prayer for a child waiting for his/her mama!  Please contact me if  you live in the Gwinnett County/ Atlanta Metro Area!  :-)  We would love our group to grow!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

17 Months old! (Well... almost)

I cannot believe my girl is nearly 17 months old!  She has become VERY independent over the last couple of months and has recently started to throw temper tantrums!  I am sure we will get through this stage soon!  Anna's language has exploded!  She tells you what she wants and will use both words and signs!  She also loves to tell the dog (Pepper) what to do!  It is funny & cute!  I am loving this age even though the tantrums do wear me down some days. 

Anna has been in daycare most of the summer as we in a car accident on June 4 and I have had to go to physical theropy for back and neck issues.  I think it has been good for her.  I am so thankful her daycare has worked with us and has let me have her in on the weeks we are in town.  I love her daycare and so thankful for them! 

On another note, At Anna's 15 month check up her ped. and I had a long conversation about keeping her rear facing or flipping her forward facing.  We decided to keep her rear facing till she is 18 months.  Our accident was 5 days before she turned 16 months and the EMTs told me she had no injeries because she was rear facing and in a good sturdy (Britax) convertable seat!  (I had just taken her out of her Graco 32 infant seat too!) So needless to say.. she will be rear facing till 2 now!  Luckly she has short legs!  and she has always been rear facing so she does not mind. 

Later this month we are going up to NY to visit my parents.  I bit the bullet and bought her her own seat this trip.  She is not into sitting on mommy's lap for long periods (it is a 2 hr. 20 min flight).  I was lucky to get a good deal!  Both our tickets cost as much together as I was getting quotes for on the delta web site.. I have discovered Delta vacation packages (thanks to a great travel agent!) I always have to rent a car so when you bundle it saves A LOT!  We are having MG Photography do photos when we are up there so I am excited for Anna to have photos done w/ my parents!  I will post them when I get the CD! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost 15 months!

I cannot believe Anna is almost 15 months!  I love this age!!  She is soo cute and her language is exploding!!  She says about 30-40 words including Pepper (our dog), puppy, go, shoes, no, oh-O, eat, more, baba, hi, bye, mama, bed, ni-ni (night night) cup, baby, shirt, socks, papa, nana, Buba (my parent's dog) and many more!  She has soo much energy! 

Anna's sleeping is getting better now that her ears have been a little better.  She still has had infections after tubes but hopefully that will come to an end!  We just got done with 2 antibiotics one fore ears, then a day later she had bronchiolitis!  Then... two secondary infections, thrush and a diaper rash!  I am ready for my sweet girl to be better!! 

Anna will be 15 months Monday!  She has her 15 month apt. that day so I will post stats then!!  I am going to try to keep up more with this blog! 

After 2 tries we were able to get some cute spring/ Easter photos!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Being a Single Mom Must be Hard....

I hear this often...
And in one word... Yup!!  This past month has been a challenge.  Let's see.... we have had a daycare change 2 antibiotics (4 since January) due to ear infections, tubes and yesterday... Thrush!!  (Caused by being on antibiotics for so long!  Yes... it has been challenging!  For about 3 weeks Anna did not sleep well at all- which meant mama did not sleep well!!  So I finally scheduled a day out (off) and wouldn't you know it.. we were lucky to get right into the ENT... and have tubes put in just 3 days later!  So- yup I had to cancel my "day off." But well worth being with my girl! 

I always tell people yes being a single mom is hard. It is challenging!  But I love it!!  It is a challenge but not a struggle!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

"I am Surprised to hear Singles can Adopt Domestically"

I recently recieved this comment from a soon to be single mama adopting internationally!  Yes!  Singles CAN adopt domestically!!  And lots of singles have!  I was convinced I would adopt internationally.  But as I began to look into it is just seemed like a maze to me and I was so thankful that someone told me about a single mama who had recently adopted domestially!  As I contacted the adoption consultant she used the process seemed a lot more straight forward than the information I was recieving on international adoption. 

For me the wait was much much shorter.  I have been corresponding with a single gal who has been waiting for her China referal for 5 years!!  (She had her paperwork complete before they changed the laws- singles can no longer adopt from China unless papperwork was in place before the summer of 2007). 

If you read my adoption story in an earlier post, I was placed 4 months after my homestudy was complete!  Here is what I learned about domestic adoption in my journey!  Call some adoption agencies in your area, you may find they are willing to work with singles and have placed with singles!  Ask lots of questions!!  Ask how long the average wait time is for singles!  Ask if they ever have "agency picks" where the birth mother chooses not to choose adoptive parents and the agency chooses.  Ask if agency picks ever go to singles. 

Be prepared!  You may hear things you do not want to hear!!  I know I did!  I contacted one agency and I was devistated at how they told me I would not get chosen by a birthmother (because I was single).  This is why I chose to work with a consaltant.  I worked with Adoption Information Services in Lawrenceville, GA.  They were AWESOME!!  They walked me through every step of the process and matched me with adoption agencies and lawyer sources who were single friendly (and in safe states where adoption papers are signed within 24-72 hours after birth)!!  I asked them lots of questions and they always had great advice for me! 

I did find that the more open you can be about the type of child you hope to adopt the more times your adoption profile will be shown to birthmothers!  If you are open to either gender and any race, your profile will be shown quite often!  Stick with it!!  Your baby is out there!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Affording Adoption

I have had the opportunity to talk to several singles from all over the country who are hoping to adopt or who have adopted!  What holds many back is the cost of adoption.  According to a national report domestic infant adoption can cost between $20,000 and $50,000.  The total fees are dependent upon several different factors.  I know I was overwhelmed when I first learned of the cost.  But I just kept saving and worked as many extra jobs as I could including summer school and I tutored a LOT!! 

Look into any benefits your employer may have.  Some employers give adoption assistance.  My employer did not offere any assistance, however, I do have legal insurence through my work and this paid for 1/3 of my out of state lawyer fees and all of my instate legal fees.  I was only responsible for filing fees! 

So if you are thinking about adopting do not let money hold you back!!  Begin saving now!!  One way I found saving to be easier was I decided to put what I knew I would be paying in daycare each month into a special savings account!  This also helped me plan for this expense!  I also know people who have had fund raisers and who have written grants.  I applied for one grant but did not recieve it!  I reccomend googling adoption grants as they are constantly changing!    If you currently have no kids working a second job may be an option.  Like I mentioned, I worked summer school, the after school program and tutored!!  It was a great way to save!

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Adoption Story

I always thought I would adopt.  In 1998 I was sure I would adopt a little girl from China.  However, life's twists and turns lead me down many different paths and by the time I found my way back to the adoption path China was closed to singles.  Now, I have never been one to give up easily so I decided to research several international adoption programs and decided on Ethiopia!  However, soon after I requested information I learned about an adoption consultant in the Atlanta area and knew two single girls who had used then to adopt their sweet girls domestically.  So in May 2009 I decided to attend an informational session with them.  I have to say, from the minute I spoke to them I KNEW this was the way to go!!  However, I was not quite ready to leap yet.  I knew I needed to save a good bit more inorder to be budget ready.  Also, I was working on my Educational Specialist degree which I was scheduled to complete in December of 2009.  So I waited until the end of summer to formally meet with them.  They walked me through every step of the process!!  My homestudy approval came in mid October.  I was officially "active" with several sources (agencies/lawyers) a few weeks later!  In December I finished my degree.  And in January 2010 I was matched with my daughter's Birthmother!!  Anna was born 3 weeks after we were matched!!  She is a dream come true!!  Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about adopting as a single or about the consultant I used!

Below are some photos of my sweet girl!